Results of the multiyear research were presented by Elena Fursenko, PhD (geol.-mineral.), senior research scientist at the Laboratory of petroleum geochemistry, at the IPGG petroleum geology workshop (seminar).
Elena Fursenko, PhD (geol.-mineral.)
In the delivered presentation on oils and condensates from the West Siberian petroleum province, specifically from its northern and arctic regions, Elena Fursenko discussed their physical and chemical properties and hydrocarbon composition (which depends on several factors such as the source organic matter, physicochemical and P-T conditions at the time of formation of hydrocarbons, and their subsequent migration and accumulation). E.A. Fursenko paid special attention to the regional patterns of basic physical and chemical characteristics of oils and condensates.
She also presented results of the geochemical typification of oils and condensates and diagnosing their genesis based on geochemical indicators derived from the compositions of low-molecular weight hydrocarbons C5-C8, n-alkanes and acyclic isoprenanes, steranes and terpanes, aromatic compounds. All this allow establishing genetic relationship with the source rocks (sedimentary rocks capable of generating and expelling hydrocarbons, at certain level of their thermal maturity) as possible sources of hydrocarbon fluids.
E.A. Fursenko’s presentation aroused great interest among the workshop participants. She received many useful comments and questions from L.S. Borisova, Dr Sc, T.M. Parfenova, PhD (geol.-mineral), D.S. Melnik, jr researcher, A.I. Burukhina, PhD (geol.-mineral), A.Yu. Nekhaev, PhD (geol.-mineral), E.V. Borisov, res. scientists, A.N. Fomin, Dr Sc, L.M. Burshtein, RAS Corr. member, V.A. Kashirtsev, RAS Corr. member, and S.V. Ryzhkova, PhD (geol.-mineral).
Elena appreciated the positive feedback from her colleagues and thanked them for their valuable recommendations. In the future, she will continue her research into the subject matters of the presentation.
Published by IPGG Press Service