The first session of the geophysical workshop under the umbrella of the RAS Scientific Council for geology, geophysics & hydrocarbon development and processing (Chairman: academician M.I. Epov, Scientific Advisor IPGG SB RAS) was held in Moscow late in December.
The joint workshop of the Oil and Gas Research Institute (OGRI) of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the A.A. Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics SB RAS called for to provide a permanent a communication and collaboration platform designed for leading researchers and professionals.
The program of the first session included four presentations. Director of IPGG SB RAS V.N. Glinskikh, RAS Corresponding Member, made an online presentation (prepared jointly with M.I. Epov) on unconventional electromagnetic source, a toroidal coil, with regard to logging vertical and deviated oil wells. This was developed by IPGG SB RAS jointly with “Luch” company (Novosibirsk) that designs and produces equipment for logging in open boreholes. This presentation comprised all stages of work on the project, from theoretical substantiation to downhole tests.
The presentation made by M.V. Sarkisyan, MAGE Branch director, is titled “4D/4C seabed surveys: challenges and achievements”. The presentation of Dr. E.S. Zakirov, Director of OGRI RAS, concerned the problem of 3D modeling optimization and specialized borehole investigations, which envisages transition from laboratory experiments, 3D geological modeling to the creation of 3D reservoir P&P models aiming ultimately to optimize the economic efficiency of oil field development.
All presentations aroused great interest among specialists, both who attended the workshop and those who joined it online. The organizers expect to make such events regular.
Published by IPGG Press Service
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