Olga Toropova’s master's thesis which included implementation of the newly developed multi-layer architecture for geospatial data visualization was prepared under supervision of Vladimir Lapkovsky, Dr. Sci. (geol.-mineral.), Professor at the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Novosibirsk State Technical University, and head of the Laboratory of mathematical modeling of natural petroleum systems at IPGG SB RAS.
This collaboration resulted in introducing a software for geospatial data visualization in webGIS.
As IPGG specialists explained, this software developed using a client-service architecture imposes minimal system requirements on computer equipment (its interface allows using it anywhere there is an internet connection available). The service is integrated into the KRATON, a cross-platform software for geological and geophysical analysis developed at NSU and funded under the Priority 2030 program. Its high functionality is perfectly demonstrated in its base module, the W-SEIS software developed at IPGG SB RAS, designed to interpret 2D/3D seismic and drilling data. The web interface allows visualizing both project data W-SEIS databases.
Run screen of geospatial data visualization
The advantages of the tool include its capability of easily adapting to changes in the basemap (layer containing background geographic information). The developed architecture includes many layer display options that are used to portray polygons, well positions, maps of surface geology, faults, 2D and 3D seismic profiles and cubes.
Researchers from IPGG SB RAS have appreciated the convenience and functionality of the software solution proposed by O.S. Toropova. The system she developed has passed the implementation procedure to be further used at the Institute.
Illustration courtesy of M.S. Kanakov
Published by IPGG Press Service