
The project is being implemented by employees of the Tomsk Branch of the A.A. Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics SB RAS.

Within the frames of the Russian Science Foundation project No. 24-27-00372, scientists use naturally occurring hydrogen, oxygen and carbon isotopes as tracers of formation conditions of the composition of waters in environments rich in organic substances. The specialists focus on waters from coal, swamps, lakes and water produced along with hydrocarbons. The research work is conducted under the guidance of Olesya Lepokurova, Dr Sc (geol.-mineral.), Director of the Tomsk Branch IPGG SB RAS.

Sampling coalbed methane wells in Kuzbass

Why is this field of research important?

The scientists envisage that the project results will allow them to develop generalized criteria and schemes for the use of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon isotopes to interpret conditions of formation of the water composition in environments rich in organic substances (water from coalbeds, marshes, lakes and water produced along with hydrocarbons). The wealth of data accumulated therewith will provide the basis for solving region-specific exploration and environmental problems in the most appropriate way.

– Such an integrated approach based on the profound knowledge of formation of the water composition will be applied for the first time, – noted scientists from the Tomsk Branch IPGG SB RAS. – The results obtained will be used as the base for developing novel techniques allowing more efficiently solving the problems of modern hydrogeochemistry, mineral exploration and pressing environmental problems.

Sampling the Omega mineral water well in Chulym, Tomsk region

What has already been done?

Within the project scope, scientists are examining hundreds of samples of different types of water collected in several regions of Siberia. The first results have not been long in coming: thus, the patterns of distribution of stable isotopes of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon have been studied for natural waters of the Tazovskoye oil and gas condensate field (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug). Tomsk scientists received formation water samples from their colleagues from the West Siberian Branch of IPGG SB RAS (Tyumen).

Among other things, results will allow deciphering the evolutionary trace of the isotopic composition of waters along the vertical section in the Tazovskoye oil and gas condensate field area. According to scientists, as the waters move down the section the isotopic composition tends to be significantly heavier due to increase in the interaction time in the water–rock system as well as in ambient temperatures.

–There are most likely to be only two sources of carbon dioxide in the region: biogenic and atmospheric, of which the former is predominant for groundwater, – the scientists concluded.

Works on the Russian Science Foundation project No. 24-27-00372 are planned to be completed in 2025.

Sampling water from the Ob Bay

Photos courtesy of O.E.Lepokurova

Published by IPGG Press Service

For reference

For more details, see the article by O.E. Lepokurova, I.S. Ivanova, A.N. Pyryaev, O.A. Ismagulov, 2024. Distribution of stable H, O and C isotopes in natural waters in the area of the Taz oil and gas condensate field (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug). Izvestiya Tomsk Polytechnic University. Georesource engineering. vol. 335. – No. 2. – pp. 157-169.