The Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics SB RAS held the International Conference "Subsoil Use. Mining. Directions and technologies for mineral prospecting, exploration and development. Oil/gas exploration economics. Geoecology" from May 13 to 17 within the 20th International Exhibition and Scientific Congress "Interexpo GEO-Sibir 2024" .
The conference program included 145 presentations covering the most promising and topical research in modern geosciences. Scientists from Novosibirsk, Tyumen, St. Petersburg, Tomsk, Sevastopol, Irkutsk, Salekhard, Moscow and Kemerovo presented their research works. The speakers represented academics (universities) and industry practitioners (companies); mature and young scientists; researchers in the field of fundamental research and applied science.
Traditionally, the conference opened with a plenary session. Director of IPGG SB RAS Vyacheslav N. Glinskikh, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and Academician Mikhail I. Epov, Science Advisor of IPGG SB RAS, welcomed the participants and wished the conference successful work, bright reports and interesting dynamic discussions.
V.N. Glinskikh and M.I. Epov
The conference participants were also greeted by Vladimir A. Kashirtsev, principal researcher (IPGG SB RAS), Corr. member of RAS, and Nikolay N. Kruk, Director of the Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy (IGM SB RAS), Corresponding member of RAS.
V.А. Kashirtsev and N.N. Kruk
The conference proceeded with presentations made by scientists from IPGG SB RAS on their research works. Thus, Vladimir Kontorovich, RAS corr. member, Head of the Laboratory of seismogeological modeling of natural oil and gas systems, presented their research results on the Koltogor-Urengoy rift system and Aptian-Albianian-Cenomanian gas accumulations in the northern West Siberia.
Vladimir Kashirtsev outlined major problems of the modern organic geochemistry. Boris Nikitenko, RAS Corr. Member, Science Deputy Director (IPGG SB RAS), made a presentation on macrofossils (known to be a rich source of information on past climate and terrestrial and marine ecosystems) and some aspects of geology of the Mesozoic Arctic basins of Siberia.
V.A. Kontorovich and B.L. Nikitenko
Elena Melnik, Head of Laboratory of deep geophysics studies and Regional Seismicity, Dr Sci (geol-mineral.), spoke about multi-scale seismic heterogeneities of the Earth's crust and upper mantle of the Siberian craton, its eastern and southern margins. Irina Filimonova, Dr Sci (econ.), Head of Center of Energy Resources and Economics, outlined the role of infrastructure in the intensity of gas field development activities in Eastern Siberia and Russian Far East.
Е.А. Melnik and I.V. Filimonova
Maxim Protasov, Dr Sci. (Phys.-Math.), lead researcher of Laboratory of multiwave seismics, dwelled on theoretical and practical aspects of scattered seismic wave data processing (for construction of images in diffracted/scattered seismic waves, etc. ). And Dmitry Novikov, PhD, Head of Laboratory of hydrogeology of sedimentary basins of Siberia, made a presentation on the role of the oxygen and hydrogen isotope composition of groundwater of oil and gas deposits in the study of their genesis.
M.I. Protasov and D.A. Novikov
All the topics covered in the presentations are of great practical importance.
Participating students were able via short talks or poster presentations format to share their projects and gather new ideas and discuss their work with other researchers.
Published by IPGG Press Service