
​​​Main objectives and tasks

The Council of Young Scientists that largely shapes and implements youth policy of the Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics (IPGG SB RAS) aiming to assist young scientists concentrate their efforts on priority research tasks, promote their innovative activity, effectively advocate new scientific achievements, encourage young people into scientific research and protect their interests. Its main objectives are therefore generally concerned with promoting professional advancement and development opportunities for young scientists and specialists; inspiring post-graduate students to seek permanent employment with IPGG SB RAS; informing young scientists about scientific research and educational activities conducted by Russian and foreign organizations; improving living conditions, work and leisure activities of young scientists.

Key directions of the CYS activities include:

  • providing informational support for young scientists, which includes among other things announcements of national and international conferences, updates of information about grants, projects and funding programs for research activities of young scientists, etc.;
  • maintaining academic mobility of young scientists through funding their travels to attend national and international conferences, symposia, workshops, schools and internships, etc. upon CYS approval of the submission for financial support, which is granted as reimbursement of travel expenses (accommodation or transport) for young scientists employed with IPGG SB RAS;
  • assistance in research writing and dissemination (publishing monographs and articles authored by young scientists in journals and collections of works);
  • providing easy access to information necessary for young scientists on the IPGG website;
  • communicating to the Institute management to seek financial support for young scientists in difficult situations;
  • conducting precursor sociological study among scientific youth in order to acknowledge and help them solve problems seeing as young scholars are influenced in their choice of pursuing an academic career path by a combination of factors ranging from national circumstances, global standards to individual motives, interests and expectations;
  • organizing sports and recreational activities in cooperation with the trade union committee of the Institute (e.g. the Geolog interinstitutional sports contest which is held annually).
CYS IPGG cooperates with the scientific youth counsel of the Soboliev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy (IGM SB RAS) in organizing both in-house and interinstitutional scientific seminars (workshops), guest lectures by leading scientists and experts, etc. A good case in point is Trofimuk Readings, a biannual conference on geosciences (since 2006), where young scientists from both institutes (IPGG and IGM) actively participate.
council member
council member
PhD in Geology and Mineralogy
council member
council member
council member
council member
council member
council member
Ph.D. (Geology and Mineralogy)