December 15, 2023 : Call for contributions;
January 10, 2024 : Deadline for author registration and paper submission to the Organizing Committee;
January 12, 2024: Mailing circulation letter with the preliminary Conference Programme and listener invitation;
January 19, 2024: Mailing circulation letter with the final Conference Programme.
- Regional geology of oil and gas bearing sedimentary basins of Siberia (stratigraphy, including seismostratigraphy, tectonics, lithology, paleogeography). Hydrogeology, hydrogeochemistry of sedimentary basins, paleohydrogeology.
- Organic geochemistry; organic matter distribution in Proterozoic and Phanerozoic sedimentary basins; chloroform extractable bitumens (bitumoids); carbon isotope composition; group and hydrocarbon composition of the organic matter and oils;
hydrocarbons – biomarkers; diagenesis and catagenesis of the organic matter. Maceral composition and conditions of formation of coal-bearing sequences.
- Distributions of oil and gas fields / pools in conventional reservoirs. The role of petroleum source rocks, types of organic matter, reservoirs, impermeable strata and traps.
- Hydrocarbon pools in carbonaceous-siliceous-carbonate-clayey marine and lacustrine sedimentary sequences with hard-to-recover reserves, their structure and mechanisms of formation; methods for their prospecting, exploration and development.
- The sedimentary- migration theory of petroleum formation. The Soviet-era and contemporary contribution of Russian scientists to its development. Lithogenesis and origins of oil and gas. Modeling the processes of petroleum system
evolution in sedimentary basins. Evolution of oil and gas generation in the Earth's history.
- Borehole geophysical investigations and field measurements as methods of hydrocarbon pools prospecting and modeling. Theoretical bases of methods for estimating hydrocarbon resources and associated minerals. Mathematical methods for
prediction of hydrocarbon reserves location and distribution, and detection of oil and gas fields.
- Economics of the oil and gas industry. Global and regional problems of the oil and gas industrial complex. The paradigm and strategy for the Russian oil and gas industries development in the 21st century
Listener registration link :
E-mail address:
Phone number: 8(383) 330-28-96 (10:00-16:00, GMT) +7)
Postal address: Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics SB RAS, 3, Akademika Koptyuga ave., Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia