Открывая заседание Учёного совета, директор ИНГГ СО РАН чл.-корр. РАН Вячеслав Николаевич Глинских вручил сотрудникам ведомственные и региональные награды.
В частности, д.г.-м.н. Алексей Георгиевич Константинов получил Почётный знак Сибирского отделения РАН «Серебряная сигма». Д.т.н. Юрий Иванович Колесников, д.т.н. Александр Константинович Манштейн и д.т.н. Андрей Гарьевич Плавник были награждены юбилейной медалью «300 лет Российской академии наук».
Почётное звание «Заслуженный Ветеран СО РАН» было присвоено к.г.-м.н. Татьяне Александровне Ступиной, к.г.-м.н. Николаю Юрьевичу Матушкину, к.г.-м.н. Светлане Николаевне Хафаевой, ведущему инженеру Наталье Павловне Шевченко, заведующему ОИТ Александру Сергеевичу Кузнецову – ему также вручили Благодарственное письмо Министерства науки и инновационной политики Новосибирской области.
Награждённые: А.Г. Константинов, Ю.И. Колесников, А.К. Манштейн, А.Г. Плавник, Т.А. Ступина, Н.Ю. Матушкин, С.Н. Хафаева, Н.П. Шевченко, А.С. Кузнецов
Следующим пунктом повестки стало представление на конкурс на должность заведующего лабораторией теоретических основ прогноза нефтегазоносности ИНГГ СО РАН. Результаты за последние пять лет и научные планы на ближайшие годы обозначил чл.-корр. РАН Лев Маркович Бурштейн. По итогам тайного голосования он был переизбран завлабом на новый срок.
Далее учёный секретарь Института к.т.н. Мария Йоновна Шумскайте сделала два сообщения – об изменениях порядка индексации журналов в «Белом списке» и рекомендациях РЦНИ по выбору научных изданий, а также о результатах аттестации научных работников ИНГГ СО РАН в 2024 году.
Завершая заседание, В.Н. Глинских анонсировал Всероссийскую научную конференцию «Геофизические методы исследования земной коры», посвященную 110-летию со дня рождения академика Н.Н. Пузырева и 300-летию РАН, которая пройдёт в ИНГГ СО РАН с 25 по 28 ноября.
Опубликовано пресс-службой ИНГГ СО РАН
IPGG SB RAS specialists discussed major trends in the development of Russia’s and global fuel and energy complex
Geophysicists started testing seismic vibration monitoring system at SKIF site
A success of IPGG SB RAS ― OGRI RAS joint workshop
Young researchers from IPGG SB RAS have won prestigious Rosneft Academic Tournament
IPGG SB RAS’s continued research into geochemistry of oils and condensates from the northern and Arctic regions of Western Siberia
IPGG SB RAS researchers took part in the Ural Lithological Biennale 2024
Scientists from IPGG SB RAS continue to study sedimentary successions in Arctic regions of Western Siberia
IPGG SB RAS to unveil the phenomenon of hazardous frost heave mounds in Yamal
Siberian and Far Eastern scientists collaborate to create a conceptual model of the formation of the composition of thermal waters of Transbaikalia
Scientific Cooperation Agreement signed between IPGG SB RAS and Northwestern University (China)
A major scholar from China spoke at the seminar at IPGG SB RAS
Scientists discovered dinosaur footprints from the Cretaceous of Transbaikalia
Fossil pollen (radiometric date of 23 - 27 mln years ago) of ancestor forms of Cathaya conifers, a rare subtropical coniferous plant species, found in the Novosibirsk region
The designed at IPGG SB RAS geophysical instrument is successfully used to solve different tasks
A postgraduate student from Zimbabwe studying at Novosibirsk State University presented his PhD dissertation at the geophysical seminar at IPGG SB RAS
Scientists from three institutes studied ceramics of ancient inhabitants of the Novosibirsk region using a multidisciplinary analysis (MDA)
Scientists from IPGG SB RAS maintain fruitful cooperation with colleagues from China
Experiment conducted by Siberian scientists to determine toxicity levels in vapor-gas flows from technogenic substances (in wastes storage sites of the mining industry)
The software solution developed by a Master’s student of Novosibirsk State Technical University implemented at IPGG SB RAS
Young scientists from IPGG SB RAS actively participate in the Smart Piknik festival
A large conference convened by IPGG SB RAS to provide a platform for scientists from all over Russia to present their research works
A solemn rally in honor of Victory Day held in the Veterans Square
Yakutian and Novosibirsk scientists investigate kimberlites from the Obnazhennaya kimberlite pipe
An innovative technique for investigating tailing dumps of mining and processing plants
Tomsk Branch of IPGG SB RAS: An ambitious project on hydrogeochemistry funded by the Russian Science Foundation
Silurian dendroid graptolites of unique 3D preservation found in the Gorny Altai
Geophysical studies of permafrost to help solve problems of geocryology
New ionosonde operating at the laboratory (observatory) of solar-terrestrial physics of IPGG SB RAS
Scientists suggest long-term storage of carbon dioxide deep underground in the Novosibirsk region
Geophysicists from IPGG SB RAS help in Archaeological Fieldworks in Central Kamchatka
Tomsk scientists and their colleagues from Toulouse, France have successfully completed a joint project
FUNDAMENTAL, GLOBAL AND REGIONAL PROBLEMS OF PETROLEUM GEOLOGY All-Russian Scientific Conference to commemorate the 90th anniversary of Academician Alexey E. Kontorovich
IPGG SB RAS researchers investigating mechanisms of secondary barite formation in mine tailings dumps
IPGG SB RAS focus on data-driven modeling to estimate reservoir porosity
IPGG research into calcareous algae from ancient sediments of the Altai Mountains (Gorny Altai)
Academician Alexey Emilievich KONTOROVICH (28.01.1934 – 24.10.2023)
New research focus of IPGG SB RAS scientists exploring the Kamchatka Peninsula: thermal waters
Climate and vegetation reconstructions from data sensitive to past climates: A case study of the Ulagan high-mountain Plateau, Gorny Altai
Samoylov Island research station : the new stage of development
Russian scientists conduct complex measurements of surface displacements in the southwestern Baikal Rift Zone
11th International Congress on the Jurassic System
82nd EAGE Conference & Exhibition 2021
4th edition of Asia Pacific Meeting on Near Surface Geoscience and Engineering (NSGE)
Nippon Foundation / GEBCO (General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans) Training Program Year 18 (2021–2022)
Nippon Foundation / GEBCO (General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans) Training Program Year 18 (2021–2022)
30th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry (IMOG)
The Middle East Oil & Gas Show and Conference (MEOS-2021)
26th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineers Geophysics
10th International Conference on Gas Hydrates (ICGH10)
35th IAS Meeting on Sedimentology