Contact info:
2012: ScD in Palaeontology and Stratigraphy, Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics
2004: PhD in Palaeontology and Stratigraphy, Moscow State University
1995: Undergraduate Degree in Geology/Palaeontology, Moscow State University
2008: Meierjurgen Fellowship, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, USA.
2005: IRCSET Postdoctoral Fellowship, University College Dublin, Ireland.
1999: Research Fellowship, St Catharine’s College, University of Cambridge, UK.
1998: Nauka/Interperiodica IAPC Prize “Best Scientific Publication of the Year”.
1997: Karpinsky-Prize Scholarship, Alfred Toepfer Stiftung F.V.S. (Germany).
1991: American Collegiate Consortium Scholarship, Occidental College, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
Feb/2007–present: Research Associate, Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Novosibirsk.
April–June/2008: Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, USA.
March/2008: External examiner for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, University of Oxford, UK
Dec/2005–Dec/2007: IRCSET Postdoctoral Fellow, University College Dublin, Ireland.
July/2001–July/2005: Research Associate (NERC-funded PDRA), University of Cambridge, UK.
Oct/1999–July/2001: Research Fellow, St Catharine’s College, University of Cambridge, UK.
July/1997–May/1999: Karpinsky-Prize Fellow, Universität Tübingen, Germany.
Oct–Dec/1997: Visiting Research Fellow, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA.
Feb/1993–Jan/2007: Research Associate, Paleontological Institute, Moscow, Russia.
Recent Funding:
2012–: Precambrian and Early Cambrian evolution of the ecological structure of Siberian epicratonic marine basins. Russian Academy of Sciences Presidium Grant 28.3, PI: DV Grazhdankin.
2012–: Late Precambrian terrestrial ecosystem: weathering processes, primitive palaeosols, and associated organisms. Russian Academy of Sciences Presidium Grant 12-P-5-1004, PI: AV Maslov (Ekaterinburg).
2006–: Russian Foundation for Basic Research grants 06-05-64223, 06-05-65087, 09-05-00279, 09-05-00520, 10-05-00953, 12-05-00012, 12-05-00497, 13-05-00878.
2012: Paleobiology of the Olenek sedimentary basin: multiple taphonomic windows into the Ediacaran–Cambrian transition. National Geographic Society CRE Grant 9031-11, PI: DV Grazhdankin.
2009–2011: Pedogenesis and evolution of weathering processes in Neoproterozoic. Russian Academy of Sciences Presidium Grant 09-P-5-1011, PI: AV Maslov (Ekaterinburg).
2009: Ecosystem remodeling in the Precambrian-Cambrian transition: An integrated and multidisciplinary approach. National Geographic Society CRE Grant 8637-09, PI: DV Grazhdankin.
2007: Carbonate-hosted Ediacaran fossils of Siberia. National Geographic Society CRE Grant 8227-07, PI: DV Grazhdankin.
2005: ACS PRF Grant 43893-AC8. (PI: NJ Butterfield, Cambridge) to fund a post-doctoral researcher.
2002–2005: Palaeoecology of Ediacaran biotas on the Russian Platform. NERC Research Grant NER/A/S/2001/01049, PI: NJ Butterfield (Cambridge).
2001: Palaeobiology of the White Sea Ediacaran biota, NW Russia. NERC Small Grant NER/B/S/2000/00316, PI: NJ Butterfield (Cambridge).
Ongoing Collaboration:
2009–2012: EAR 08-44270 Collaborative Research: Stratigraphic, Geochemical, and Paleobiological Tests of the Co-Evolution of Multicellular Life and Environment in the Late Ediacaran Period, PIs: AJ Kaufman (University of Maryland, USA), S Xiao (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University).
2004–present: multidisciplinary collaborative research study of Ediacaran-age strata in the Central and South Ural Mountains : PI: AV Maslov (Zavaritsky Institute of Geology and Geochemistry, Ekaterinburg)
Invited/Keynote Lectures:
2008. Stromatolites and microbial mats as engineers of first metazoan ecosystems – International Kalkowsky-Symposium Geobiology of Stromatolites, University of Göttingen, Germany.
2007. Late Proterozoic evolution of macrobenthos – II International Conference Biosphere Origin and Evolution, Loutraki, Greece.
2007. Late Proterozoic macrobenthic paracommunities – Workshop Frontiers in Geobiology, Academy of Sciences Göttingen, Germany.
2007. The Charnwood biota as seen from Arctic Russia: Ediacarans and their environments – Saturday Seminar Leicester’s fossil celebrity: Charnia and the evolution of early life, Leicester Literary and Philosophical Society & University of Leicester, UK.
2005. Forbidden fruits in the Garden of Ediacara – Universität Zürich, Switzerland.
2002. Ecological diversity of Vendian biotas – The BA Festival of Science, University of Leicester, UK.
Field Research:
White Sea Area, north-western (subarctic) Russia (1993–2004).
Flinders Ranges, South Australia (2001).
Lake Baikal Area, southern Siberia, Russia (2001, 2005).
Maya–Yudoma River Basin, eastern Siberia, Russia (2005).
Ural Mountains, Russia (2002–2013).
Podolia, south-western Ukraine (2003–2005).
Olenëk Uplift, north-central Siberia, arctic Russia (2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2012).
Rocky Mountains, Montana, USA (2008).
East Sayan Ranges, Russia (2011).
Teaching Experience:
University of Cambridge, UK: Field Courses (1st year Field Course on Geology of Arran; 2nd year Field Course on Introduction to Southwest England Geology; 3rd year Field Course on Sedimentology of North Norfolk Coast)
University of Cambridge, UK: Laboratory Demonstrating (1st year Palaeobiology and Earth Processes/Sedimentology; 2nd year Evolutionary Palaeobiology/Micropalaeontology; 3rd year Ancient Ecosystems)
University of Cambridge, UK: Lecturing (3rd year Ancient Ecosystems)
University of Cambridge, UK: Supervision of undergraduate research projects
Novosibirsk State University, Russia: Supervision of senior, BA, Master’s, and PhD thesis projects
Academic Service:
Vice-Chairman, Subcommission on Ediacaran Stratigraphy, International Commission on Stratigraphy.
Journal Reviewer: Nature, Science, Geology, Palaeontology, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, Journal of Integrative and Comparative Biology, Earth-Science Reviews, Geological Society of London Memoirs, Geological Magazine, Journal of Paleontology, Precambrian Research, Journal of the Geological Society of London, Evolution & Development, Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, American Journal of Science, Palaios, books and book chapters.
Proposal Reviewer: NSF, NGS, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Translator of Research Papers (russian-to-english) in geology and biology.
Organizer, International Conference on Neoproterozoic Sedimentary Basins, Neoproterozoic Subcommission Workshop on Ediacaran Palaeobiology, and IGCP Field Excursion to the East Sayan Mountain Range (30 July – 14 August 2011, Novosibirsk)
Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals:
Rogov V, Marusin V, Bykova N, Goy Y, Nagovitsin K, Kochnev B, Karlova G, Grazhdankin D 2013 The oldest evidence of bioturbation on Earth: Reply. Geology, 41: e300, doi:10.1130/G34594Y.1.
Rogov V, Marusin V, Bykova N, Goy Y, Nagovitsin K, Kochnev B, Karlova G, Grazhdankin D 2013 The oldest evidence of bioturbation on Earth: Reply. Geology, 41: e290, doi:10.1130/G34237Y.1.
Maslov AV, Meert J, Levashova NM, Ronkin YL, Grazhdankin DV, Kuznetsov NB, Krupenin MT, Fedorova NM, Ipat’eva IS 2013 [New constraints for the age of Vendian glacial deposits (Central Urals] Doklady Akademii nauk, 449: 322–327 [in Russian; English translation published in Doklady Earth Sciences, 449: 303–308.
Kolesnikov AV, Grazhdankin DV, Maslov AV [Arumberia-type structures in the Upper Vendian of the Urals] Doklady Akademii nauk, 447: 66–72 [in Russian; English translation published in Doklady Earth Sciences, 447: 1233–1239.
Grazhdankin DV, Goy YY, Maslov AV 2012 [Late Riphean microbial colonies adapted to desiccating environments] Doklady Akademii nauk, 446: 656–661 [in Russian; English translation published in Doklady Earth Sciences, 446: 1157–1161.
Rogov V, Marusin V, Bykova N, Goy Y, Nagovitsin K, Kochnev B, Karlova G, Grazhdankin D 2012 The oldest evidence of bioturbation on Earth. Geology, 40: 395–398.
Grazhdankin DV, Marusin VV, Meert J, Krupenin MT, Maslov AV 2011 [Kotlin Regional Stage in the South Urals] Doklady Akademii nauk, 440: 201–206 [in Russian; English translation published in Doklady Earth Sciences, 440: 1222–1226].
Podkovyrov VN, Grazhdankin DV, Maslov AV 2011 [Lithogeochemistry of the Vendian fine-grained clastic rocks in the southern Vychegda Trough] Litologiya i poleznye iskopaemye, 5: 484–504 [in Russian; English translation published in Lithology and Mineral Resources, 46: 427–446].
Marusin VV, Grazhdankin DV, Maslov AV 2011 [Redkino Stage in evolution of Vendian macrophytes] Doklady Akademii nauk, 436: 658–664 [in Russian; English translation published in Doklady Earth Sciences, 436: 197–202].
Maslov AV, Grazhdankin DV, Podkovyrov VN, Isherskaya MV, Krupenin MT, Petrov GA, Ronkin YuL, Gareev EZ, Lepikhina OP 2009 [Provenance composition and features of geological evolution of the Late Vendian foreland basin of the Timan Orogen] Geokhimiya, 12: 1294–1318 [in Russian; English translation published in Geochemistry International, 47: 1212–1233].
Grazhdankin DV, Maslov AV, Krupenin MT 2009 [Structure and depositional history of the Vendian Sylvitsa Group in the Western Flank of the Central Urals] Stratigraphiia. Geologicheskaia korreliatsiia, 17: 20–40 [in Russian; English translation published in Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, 17: 475–492].
Grazhdankin DV, Maslov AV 2009 [Sequence stratigraphy of the Upper Vendian of the East European Craton] Doklady Akademii nauk, 426: 66–70 [in Russian; English translation published in Doklady Earth Sciences, 426: 517–521].
Kontorovich AE, Sokolov BS, Kontorovich VA, Varlamov AI, Grazhdankin DV, Efimov AS, Klets AG, Saraev SV, Terleev AA, Belyaev SYu, Varaksina IV, Karlova GA, Kochnev BB, Nagovitsin KE, Postnikov AA, Filippov YuF 2009 [The first section of Vendian deposits in the basement complex of the West Siberian Petroleum Megabasin (resulting from the drilling of the Vostok-3 parametric borehole in the Eastern Tomsk Region)] Doklady Akademii nauk, 424: 788–791 [in Russian; English translation published in Doklady Earth Sciences, 425: 219–222].
Kontorovich AE, Varlamov AI, Grazhdankin DV, Karlova GA, Klets AG, Kontorovich VA, Saraev SV, Terleev AA, Belyaev SYu, Varaksina IV, Efimov AS, Kochnev BB, Nagovitsin KE, Postnikov AA, Filippov YuF 2008 [A section of Vendian in the east of West Siberian Plate (based on data from the Borehole Vostok 3)]. Geologiya i geofizika, 49: 1238–1247 [in Russian; English translation published in Russian Geology and Geophysics, 49: 932–939].
Grazhdankin DV, Balthasar U, Nagovitsin KE, Kochnev BB 2008 Carbonate-hosted Avalon-type fossils in arctic Siberia. Geology, 36: 803–806.
Maslov AV, Grazhdankin DV, Podkovyrov VN, Ronkin YuL, Lepikhina OP 2008. [Composition of sediment provenances and patterns in geological history of the late Vendian Mezen Basin]. Litologiya i poleznye iskopaemye, 3: 290–312 [in Russian; English translation published in Lithology and Mineral Resources, 43: 260–280].
Nagovitsin KE, Grazhdankin DV, Kochnev BB 2008 [Ediacaria in the Siberian hypostratotype of the Riphean]. Doklady Akademii nauk, 419: 794–798 [in Russian; English translation published in Doklady Earth Sciences, 419A: 423–427].
Grazhdankin D, Gerdes G 2007 Ediacaran microbial colonies. Lethaia, 40: 201–210.
Grazhdankin DV, Nagovitsin KE, Maslov AV 2007 [Upper Vendian Miaohe-type ecological assemblage of the East European Platform]. Doklady Akademii nauk, 417: 73–78 [in Russian; English translation published in Doklady Earth Sciences, 417: 1183–1187].
Grazhdankin DV, Krayushkin AV 2007 [Trace fossils and the Upper Vendian boundary in the southeastern White Sea region]. Doklady Akademii nauk, 416: 514–518 [in Russian; English translation published in Doklady Earth Sciences, 416: 1027–1031].
Ronkin YuL, Grazhdankin DV, Maslov AV, Mizens GA, Matukov DI, Krupenin MT, Petrov GA, Lepikhina OP, Kornilova AYu 2006 [U-Pb (SHRIMP II) age of zircons from ash beds in the Chernokamen Formation, Vendian Sylvitsa Group (Central Urals)]. Doklady Akademii nauk, 411: 354–359 [in Russian; English translation published in Doklady Earth Sciences, 411: 1341–1345].
Conway Morris S, Grazhdankin D 2006 A post-script to the enigmatic Protonympha (Devonian; New York): is it an arm of the echinoderms? Palaeontology, 49: 1335–1338.
Grazhdankin D, Seilacher A 2005 A re-examination of the Nama-type Vendian organism Rangea schneiderhoehni. Geological Magazine, 142: 571–582.
Grazhdankin DV, Podkovyrov VN, Maslov AV 2005 [Paleoclimatic environments of the formation of Upper Vendian rocks of the Belomorian-Kuloi Plateau, Southeast White Sea area)]. Litologiya i poleznye iskopaemye, 3: 267–280 [in Russian; English translation published in Lithology and Mineral Resources, 40: 232–244].
Grazhdankin DV, Maslov AV, Mustill TMR, Krupenin MT 2005 [The Ediacaran White Sea biota in the Central Urals]. Doklady Akademii nauk, 401: 784–788 [in Russian; English translation published in Doklady Earth Sciences, 401: 382–385].
Conway Morris S, Grazhdankin D 2005 Enigmatic worm-like organisms from the Upper Devonian of New York: an apparent example of Ediacaran-like preservation. Palaeontology, 48: 395–410.
Grazhdankin D 2004 Patterns of distribution in the Ediacaran biotas: facies versus biogeography and evolution. Paleobiology, 30: 203–221.
Seilacher A, Grazhdankin D, Legouta A 2003 Ediacaran Biota: The dawn of animal life in the shadow of giant protists. Paleontological Research, 7: 43–54.
Grazhdankin DV 2003 [Structure and depositional environment of the Vendian Complex in the Southeast White Sea area]. Stratigrafiia. Geologicheskaia korreliatsiia, 11: 3–23 [in Russian; English translation published in Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, 11: 313–331].
Grazhdankin D, Seilacher A 2002 Underground Vendobionta from Namibia. Palaeontology, 45: 57–78.
Martin MW, Grazhdankin DV, Bowring SA, Evans DAD, Fedonkin MA, Kirschvink JL 2000 Age of Neoproterozoic bilaterian body and trace fossils, White Sea, Russia: Implications for metazoan evolution. Science, 288: 841–845.
Grazhdankin DV 2000 The Ediacaran genus Inaria: a taphonomic/morphodynamic analysis. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 216: 1–34.
Grazhdankin DV, Bronnikov AA 1997 [A new locality of the remains of the Late Vendian soft-bodied organisms on the Onega Peninsula]. Doklady Akademii nauk, 357: 792–796 [in Russian; English translation published in Transactions (Doklady) of the Russian Academy of Sciences/ Earth Science Sections, 357A: 1311–1315].
Ivantsov AYu, Grazhdankin DV 1997 [A new representative of the Petalonamae from the Upper Vendian of Archangelsk District]. Paleontologicheskii zhurnal, 1: 3–18 [in Russian; English translation published in Paleontological Journal, 31: 1–16].
Grazhdankin DV, Ivantsov AYu 1996 Reconstruction of biotopes of ancient Metazoa of the late Vendian White Sea biota. Paleontological Journal, 30: 676–680.
2007 – 2012 | senior research scientist / Laboratory of Precambrian and Cambrian Paleontology and Stratigraphy IPGG SB RAS |
2012 – 2014 | lead research scientist / Laboratory of Precambrian and Cambrian Paleontology and Stratigraphy IPGG SB RAS |
2014 – 2018 | head of laboratory / Laboratory of Precambrian Paleontology and Stratigraphy IPGG SB RAS |
20.09.2024 Scientific Cooperation Agreement signed between IPGG SB RAS and Northwestern University (China)