6.0 earthquakes, Taiwan in recent years" | "> 6.0 earthquakes, Taiwan in recent years""> 6.0 earthquakes, Taiwan in recent years"" /> Яндекс.Метрика

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27 октября (вторник) 2015 г. в 15:00 в конференц-зале Отделения геофизики ИНГГ СО РАН (к.315) состоится аспирантский семинар:


"Temporal changes of seismic velocity in crust associated with ML > 6.0 earthquakes, Taiwan in recent years"

Докладчик: Kuan-Fu Feng, Master’s Degree Student at Department of Geosciences in National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

Соавторы: Yih-Min Wu, Wei-An Chao, and Hsin-Hua Huang

Changes of seismic velocity in the crust can be found after the occurrence of earthquakes and volcanic activities. There are two methods to detect these variability in seismic velocity. One is estimating time lapse between stations, which can be represented by variability in seismic velocity, by using the empirical Green’s function (EGF) retrieved from cross-correlation function of continuous seismic coda waves, ambient noise or repeated earthquakes. However, waveform cross-correlation-based method only reveals the differences surrounding the ray path of station pairs. Another potential solution to understanding the velocity changes before and after an earthquake is using results of tomographic images. In this study, we apply travel time tomographic method to obtain 3-D VP, VS and VP/VS crustal structures of time-periods before and after the April 2006 ML 6.2 Taitung earthquakes, the March 2010 ML 6.4 Jiashian earthquake and the 2013 ML 6.4 Rueisuei earthquake by combining P- and S-wave arrival times from the Central Weather Bureau Seismic Network (CWBSN) stations, Taiwan Strong Motion Instrumental Program (TSMIP) and Broadband Array in Taiwan for Seismology (BATS) stations. In our tomographic results, we found the both increasing in VP and VP/VS ratio, and decreasing in VS in vicinity of source area after the occurrence of these three events. We suggest that injection of fluid into fracture zone around the source region, and mineralization might be one of reasons of aforementioned anomalies.

Доклад будет представлен на английском языке.


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