
Уважаемые коллеги!

6 октября (вторник) 2015 г. в 15:00 в конференц-зале Отделения геофизики ИНГГ СО РАН (к.315) состоится аспирантский семинар:

"Seismicity & magmatism beneath the ocean – witnessing the creation of new lithosphere"

Докладчик: Florian Schmid, PhD student at Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar- and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany

What are the challenges and peculiarities of deploying seismic instruments at the abyss of the stormy Southern Ocean? How can local earthquakes help us to understand the complex magmatic and magmatic processes of creating pristine oceanic lithosphere? Reporting from two recent experiments the Southwest Indian Mid-ocean Ridge the above questions will be tackled and results of seismicity and local earthquake tomography studies will be presented.

Доклад будет представлен на английском языке.


Явка аспирантов Отделения геофизики ИНГГ СО РАН обязательна!​