
Д.А. Неклюдов, М.И. Протасов, К.Г. Гадыльшин

: EAGE. Геомодель 2021: 23-я конференция по вопросам геологоразведки и разработки месторождений нефти и газа (г. Геленджик, 6-10 сентября 2021 г.): Тезисы докладов

Land seismic data processing is often quite challenging. Even after processing using standard routines desired reflections are very weak. We present a new approach based of the use of time-frequency masks reflections from noisy environment. Initial signal estimation is provided by local multidimensional stacking procedures such as CRS or Multifocusing. To refine initial signal estimation, we employ trace-by-trace phase-dependent and amplitude time-frequency masking to make phase corrections and noise suppression in original data. Phase masks are responsible for coherency of desired events. Amplitude masks aim to suppress noise. Simultaneous use of phase and amplitude masks allows to preserve frequency bandwidth of filtered signals and their reliable amplitude behavior.
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