
А.Г. Замирайлова, В.Г. Эдер

: Юрская система России: проблемы стратиграфии и палеогеографии: Материалы VIII Всероссийского совещания с международным участием. Онлайн-конференция (7-10 сентября 2020 г., г. Сыктывкар)

Phosphorite microconcretions were studied in the Upper Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous Georgievka and Bazhenovo Formations in the core obtained by drilling in the southeastern part of the West Siberian basin (Tomsk region). The scanning electron microscopy analysis allowed identifying the phosphatized cyanobacterial filaments, capsules and rounded spheres in the studied phosphorites. The phosphorites are considered as a product of direct crystallization from phosphorus-enriched pore waters trapped in the marine sediment accumulating in the conditions of enhanced chemical continental weathering.
индекс в базе ИАЦ: 040836