
A.V. Mikheeva

: Bulletin of the Novosibirsk Computing Center. Series: Mathematical Modeling in Geophysics
: Bulletin of the Novosibirsk Computing Center. Series: Mathematical Modeling in Geophysics

To study the swarm sequences of earthquakes in the areas of plate convergence and divergence, the parameters: surface wave magnitude MS and depth H are used, as well as one of the characteristics of the seismic regime - creepex CrcatN, included in the complex of the GIS-ENDDB program and characterizing the ratio of the contributions of the "hard" and "soft" components to the earthquake displacement. The factual material of this study is various samples of catalogs with their own definitions MN, H and body wave magnitudes mb - of the England seismological center ISC and of the more representative Chinese Catalog CSN. The regularities of a change in time of the three considered parameters in the individual swarm sequences for the areas with diferent geotectonic settings - in the Frisa Strait, near the island of Honshu, in the Avacha Bay (Kamchatka), under the Iceland and in the Pamir{Hindu Kush seismic focal zone, have been established. These patterns indicate to the presence of an organized state of the environment, which is expressed in the following: 1) synchronous dynamics of the parameters MN, H and CrcatN (with direct or inverse phase correlation), which characterizes the echo of earthquakes at two or more depth levels; 2) mutual dependence of MS, H and CrcatN, determining the type of predominant physical processes in a seismic focal zone: a dilatancy and a fracture healing under the tectonic pressure in uence or a plastic ow under the temperature in uence.
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