
В.С. Артамонова, С.Б. Бортникова

: Материалы X Международной научной молодежной школы по палеопочвоведению в Сибири "Почвы и палеопочвы как источник информации о природной среде прошлого" (Новосибирск, 1-6 августа 2019 г.)

The data about diversity and content of viable microorganisms in soils, formed on eolian sands in the Baikal region in the Holocene are given in the present article. They were obtained in the integrated microbial and geochemical study. Biogeochemical response of soils to the environment changes under the anthropogenic influence is presented. The enrichment of buried under sands soils with microorganisms is demonstrated. Buried soils are examined as a modern reservation of microorganisms with different ecology.
индекс в базе ИАЦ: 036953