
К.Ю. Яковлева,В.Ю.Фридовский, А.Е. Верниковская

: Геология и минерально-сырьевые ресурсы Северо-Востока России: Материалы X Всероссийской научно-практической конференции с международным участием (г. Якутск, 8-10 апреля 2020 г.)

The dykes of the Vyun gold ore deposit area are located on the eastern margin of the Siberian craton. They have a wide variety of petrographic compositions - basalts, andesibasalts, trachy-andesibasalts, andesites, trachyandesites, porphyrу diorite, dacites, rhodacites, plagioriodacites and granodiorite-porphyries. The results of geochemical studies, as well as the results of new U-Pb (SHRIMP-II) data are presented. The rocks exhibit features close to OIB, E-MORB and MORB, and have a pronounced negative anomaly of Ta and Nb. These dikes were formed in the interval 151.5-147 Ma ago in the setting of an active continental margin from enriched and depleted mantle sources possibly involving suprasubduction components.
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