
М.В. Соловьев, В.А. Конторович, А.Ю. Калинин, Л.М. Калинина

: Геомодель-2019: 21-я конференция по вопросам геологоразведки и разработки месторождений нефти и газа (г. Геленджик, 9-13 сентября 2019 г.): Тезисы докладов

The paper discusses the features of the Paleozoic deposits geological structure of the northern part of Srednevasyugan megaswell located in the south-east of Western Siberia. A map of the material composition of the pre-Jurassic basement rocks was constructed. The difficulties of searching for Paleozoic collectors are described. Low-contrast blocks of carbonate rocks that are of greatest interest in relation to petroleum potential are identified. These blocks are characterized by reduced seismic recording amplitudes and are limited to Jurassic faults.
индекс в базе ИАЦ: 045057