
П.А. Ян, А.Г. Замирайлова, Е.А. Костырева, Е.В. Зайчикова, Л.Г. Вакуленко, И.С. Сотнич

: Юрская система России: проблемы стратиграфии и палеогеографии. Материалы IX Всероссийского совещания с международным участием. (г. Сыктывкар, 9-16 сентября 2023 г.)

The paper presents the results of the study of the Kimmeridgian-Volgian succession in the south of the Silgin facial region of Western Siberia, using the core of the well located in the Kazanskaya field (Tomsk region). Based on the complex studies, the section was subdivided into beds, for which we provide detailed characteristics. Based on a number of petrographic observations and geochemical features of the mineralogical and organic rocks components, it is assumed that the "intermediate member", previously included into the upper part of the Georgievka formation, should be placed into the Bazhenovo horizon. This assumption was later confirmed by the study of foraminiferal complex.
индекс в базе ИАЦ: 027306