
Е.С. Чернова, М.Й. Шумскайте, А.И. Бурухина, В.Н. Глинских, Е.А. Фурсенко

: Геомодель-2019: 21-я конференция по вопросам геологоразведки и разработки месторождений нефти и газа (г. Геленджик, 9-13 сентября 2019 г.): Тезисы докладов

The paper presents the results of NMR studies of oil samples and its fractions at the different temperature. The group analysis of the samples has been carried out by NMR data, which is consistent with the geochemical analysis data. Viscosity was estimated by NMR data in gradient magnetic field. It was established the dependence of the transverse relaxation time on the content of resinous-asphalting compounds at different temperature.
индекс в базе ИАЦ: 043529