
А.А. Мезин, М.Й. Шумскайте,О.В.Родионова, Е.С. Чернова

: EAGE. Управление недрами как кросс-функциональный процесс (Тюмень, Россия 22-26 марта 2021 г.)

A joint interpretation of the data of dielectric spectroscopy and NMR-relaxometry methods for studying the physical and chemical properties of oil is presented. The influence of the components of the group composition of oil on the values of dielectric and NMR characteristics is shown. The results of the study show that a comprehensive study of the physicochemical properties of oil by these methods makes it possible to increase the accuracy of determining the pore space of rocks and the rheological properties of reservoir fluids.
индекс в базе ИАЦ: 035935