
T.V.Pogodaeva,T.V.Khodzher,N.A.Zhuchenko, M.N. Grigoriev

: International Conference on Arctic, Subarctic - Mosaic, Contrast, Variability of the Cryosphere (JUL 02-05, 2015, Tyumen, RUSSIA)

Organic matters of coastal-shelf zone of the Laptev Sea (Buor-Haya Gulf) were studied. Detailed distribution of organic matter in coastal, surface and bottom sediments were revealed. The structure, genesis, the conditions of formation and degradation of organic matter were determined. A clear dependence of the content of organic matter and its quality on the dimension fractions deposits was revealed. Two groups of organic matter were distinguished: 1 - associated with clays, with the lighter isotopes of carbon; and 2 - associated with sand, with heavier isotopes of carbon. Undegraded woody detritus was a separate group. By a combination of factors: the content of organic carbon, nitrogen, and their ratio, isotopy were defined organic matter with varying degrees of degradation. Higher organic matter degradation was observed in thawed horizons above the roof of underwater permafrost.
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