
А.Г. Клец

: Новости палеонтологии и стратиграфии: Прилож. к журналу Геол. и геоф.

The conodont association was first recognized, including two new species, in the Triassic of Northeastern Asia (basin of the Kolyma River): Neogondolella jubata Sweet, N. paragondolellaeformis Dagys, N. taimyrensis Dagys, N. аmiса Т. Кlets, sp. n., N. captica Т. Кlets, sp. n. , N. aff. regale Mosher, Neospathodus aff timorenis Nogami, Neospathodus sp. А. and others. Most commoп species of this association (Neogondolella jubata, N. paragondolellaeformis, N. taimyrensis) are well known elsewhere in the world аnd they permit to align the enclosing deposits with the uppermost part of grambergi and spiniplicartus ammonoid zones o f the Upper Olenek of northern Siberia.
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