
А.Ф. Еманов, Е.В. Лескова,А.Г.Филина, А.А. Еманов, А.В. Фатеев,А.В.Дураченко

: Землетрясения Северной Евразии, 2008 год

The analysis of annual seismicity for Altay-Sayan region is given. May be note that the seismic process in 2008 was characterized by significantly higher levels of released seismic energy greater than the one-kovoy in 2007 by three orders of magnitude. The strongest earthquakes in the eastern regions on where registered Belin-Bii-Khem earthquake on August 16 with К=15.0, Mw=5.7 - my strong self-event of the year. In Chui-Kurai zone continued aftershocks Chui earthquake in 2003, but the first time this area is on the level of released seismic energy is not dominates over all of the Altai-Sayan region
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