
В.Ю.Фридовский, А.Е. Верниковская, К.Ю. Яковлева

Издание: Геология и минерально-сырьевые ресурсы Северо-Востока России: Материалы XI Всероссийской научно-практической конференции (г. Якутск, 05-07 апреля 2021 г.)
Издатель: Издательский дом СВФУ , Место издания: Якутск , Год издания: 2021
Страницы: 257-261


The formation of granitoids from the Bukechen and Samyr small intrusions in the central part of the Verkhoyan-Kolyma fold belt probably took place on the final stage of formation of the Siberian paleocontinent active continental margin in the Early Cretaceous following the Late Jurassic dike magmatism of the Nera-Bokhapcha complex. U-Pb age estimates for zircons from these granitoids are 144.5±0.91 Ma and 142.8±1.1 Ma (SHRIMP II method). Both the small intrusion granitoids and various rocks in dikes (from basic to acidic varieties) could have formed from a mantle material of mixed OIB and E-MORB types with participation of a subduction or crustal component. The latter is indicated by the old ages (Mesoproterozoic, Paleoproterozoic, Ordovician and Devonian) of zircon cores in the studied granitoids. The emplacement of the Early Cretaceous small intrusion granitoids obviously facilitated the final processes of migration and localization of gold in tectonic dislocation zones that took place after the input of this ore component by mafic magmas into the host terrigenous sedimentary rocks on the eastern margin of the Siberian paleocontinent.
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