
S.V. Ershov, A.E. Kontorovich, N.I. Shestakova, Jin Zhijun, A.K. Kartashova, M.N. Shaporina

Выпуск: 5 , Том: 17 , Год издания: 2023
Сериальное издание: Russian Journal of Pacific Geology
Страницы: 475-488


This study summarizes the most recent geological and geophysical data on the Zeya-Bureya sedimentary basin (Russian Far East). The sedimentary cover stratigraphy is described. Based on a comparative analysis of the Zeya-Bureya sedimentary basin and the Songliao basin (China) located to the south that is similar in its tectonic nature, structure, and geological history, the Ekaterinoslavka Formation that makes up the sedimentary cover base and was formerly assigned to the Jurassic, is of Lower Cretaceous in age. The old CDP data (2014-2018) were reinterpreted to infer the seismostratigraphic characteristics of the section and to identify six geoseismic sequences. The wave pattern of the constructed sections confirms the synrift nature of the grabens at the base of the sedimentary cover of the Zeya-Bureya sedimentary basin. Thickness maps of the Cretaceous formations and a tectonic map of the sedimentary cover were compiled from the core and deep drilling data, as well as from the 2D and 3D CDP seismic survey results, taking the integrated interpretation of gravity, magnetic, and geological survey information into account. The evolution of the study area was subdivided into four stages: synrift, early syneclise, late syneclise, and neotectonic.
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