
B.B. Kochnev, K.E. Nagovitsin, M.Sh. Faizullin

Выпуск: 11 , Том: 48 , Год издания: 2007
Сериальное издание: Russian Geology and Geophysics
Страницы: 933-940


In the section of Agaleevskaya BH-4 drilled in the lower reaches of the Angara River, Vendian and Baikalian sediment sequences have been recognized within Neoproterozoic strata. The Vendian sequence is formed by terrigenous-carbonate deposits of the Tetere, Soba, and Katanga Formations of the Danilovo Horizon, referred to as the Upper Vendian Nemakit-Daldyn Stage, as well as by terrigenous deposits of the Taseeva Group. The Baikalian Horizon is composed of the Brus Formation, earlier recognized only on the Chadobets uplift, and is separated from the Vendian deposits by a stratigraphic gap. In the Brus Formation, a microfossil complex similar to earlier described biotas of the Siberian Baikalian strata was found. The underlying deposits of the Terina Formation contain microfossils lacking below the basement of the Lakhanda Horizon (Neoproterozoic).
индекс в базе ИАЦ: 047581