
В.А. Конторович, М.В. Соловьев, И.А. Губин, А.Ю. Калинин, Л.М. Калинина

Издание: EAGE. Геомодель 2021: 23-я конференция по вопросам геологоразведки и разработки месторождений нефти и газа (г. Геленджик, 6-10 сентября 2021 г.): Тезисы докладов
Год издания: 2021


As part of the work, structural-tectonic zoning of the Khatanga-Lena and Lena-Vilyui regions was carried out. Structural maps for the top of the Cambrian and the top of the Permian/bottom of the Mesozoic (TP horizon) were chosen as the base for the construction of tectonic zoning maps. These stratigraphic levels are the most important for assessing oil and gas potential. The resulting structural maps also used potential field maps, geological maps, and previous structural constructions. In the study area, the structural surfaces of the Upper Proterozoic-Phanerozoic reference stratigraphic levels in the regional-zonal plan are similar, while their reliefs from the lower horizons to the upper ones flatten out and become less contrasting. In the structural plan of the Cambrian top in the Khatanga-Lena region, all large tectonic elements identified along the TP horizon are distinguished: the Laptev Sea and Lena-Anabar megasyneclises, the Yenisei-Khatanga regional trough and the Coastal Ridge. These structures, in turn, are complicated by smaller tectonic elements of I-IV orders. Cambrian deposits in the area under consideration are more widespread than Permian and Mesozoic sedimentary strata.
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