
V.N. Gureyev, N.A. Mazov,L.I.Karpenko

Выпуск: 2 , Том: 41 , Год издания: 2015
Сериальное издание: Serials review
Страницы: 77-84


This article analyzes shares and rankings of Russian bioscience publications and journals in international bibliometric databases. Studying scholarly output, international collaboration, and the share of Russian papers both in national and international journals enables the authors to highlight the current state of biological science and journals in Russia and outline some pronounced trends. A comparative analysis with the leading countries confirms good representation of Russian bioscience journals among other international serials. Certain problems remain unsolved, however: low impact factors, overrepresentation of national papers, and poor online services. Thus, Russian publishers should correct their editorial policy to improve availability and performance of serials.
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