Сериальное издание: Russian Geology and Geophysics
Страницы: 18-32
The Central Taimyr accretionary belt includes two granite-metamorphic terranes: Faddei and Mamont-Shrenk, which include the oldest igneous formations of the Taimyr folded area in the Arctic framing of the Siberian craton-granitoids and granite-gneisses with U-Pb zircon ages of 900-830 Ma. The [FeO */(FeO * + + MgO)] - enriched granitoids of these terranes are products of highly fractionated I -type magmas. This paper presents results of new petrographic, geochemical, geochronological, and paleomagnetic investigations of acid rocks from a volcanic-plutonic association (in the region of the Leningradskaya River) in the Faddei terrane in the northeastern Taimyr area. These rocks formed during the final stage of continent-island arc accretion and collision that occurred at approximately 870-820 Ma. We established that the studied rocks belong to a long granitoid belt extending from Mamont-Shrenk to Faddei terrane, where all the igneous bodies are deformed and oriented uniformly. The paleomagnetic pole we calculated differs significantly from the apparent polar-wander path interval of corresponding age for Siberia