
А.В. Мариненко

Издание: EAGE. Инженерная и рудная геофизика 2020: Тезисы докладов 16-й научно-практической конференции и выставки (г. Пермь, Россия, 14-18 сентября 2020 г.)
Место издания: Пермь , Год издания: 2020
Страницы: 1-9


The current state of electrotomography has a noticeable skew to practice. In the market of software that solves the inversion problems, several products actively used by scientists from around the world firmly established themselves. The source code in this software is closed, and many algorithmic steps are perform automatically without the ability to influence them from the user. In fairness, it should be note that in most cases, these programs successfully cope with their task, and their regular updating allows solving more and more complex problems. However, it is not rare cases for automation to fail, and the results of the inversion have significant differences for adjacent research profiles or for software from different companies. How to be in this situation? What results to trust and how to interpret them, if we often do not even know the theoretical basis laid down in the software code? In this paper, the DiInSo software package is present, which is being develop with the aim of giving greater understanding to the researcher using solution algorithms, as well as allowing simulating direct and inverse problems of high geometric and physical complexity.
индекс в базе ИАЦ: 042150