
В.Н.Ульянов,Д.Н.Токарев,И.И.Фролова,С.А.Фролов, Н.К. Каюров, К.С. Сердюк

Издание: Интеллектуальный анализ данных в нефтегазовой отрасли. Первая региональная конференция EAGE в России и странах СНГ (г. Москва, 19-20 октября 2020 г., онлайн-формат)
Место издания: М. , Год издания: 2020
Страницы: 25


The new approach for the creation of an ontological model of oil and gas producing automation, implemented in software. Modern oil and gas production enterprise is a multidimensional complex object presented as a set of processes (business and technological) affecting objects and their properties. Allocation of processes allows you to convey the key ontological characteristic - length and variability over time. This approach simplifies the process of development and expansion of a big software package by several teams, eliminating transaction costs.
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