O.V. Petrov, M. Pubellier, S.P. Shokalsky, A.F. Morozov, Y.B. Kazmin, S.N. Kashubin, V.A. Vernikovsky, M. Smelror, H. Brekke, V.D. Kaminsky, I.I. Pospelov
Издание: Springer Geology
Год издания: 2021
Страницы: 1-27
The Tectonic Map of the Arctic (TeMAr) that has been compiled under the International project Atlas of Geological maps of the Circumpolar Arctic in scale 1:5 M. The TeMAr working group coordinated by Russia (VSEGEI) includes leading scientists from Geological Surveys, universities and national Academies of Sciences of Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Russia, Canada, the USA, France, Germany and Great Britain. The Tectonic Map compilation activities were aimed at acquiring thorough understanding of deep-water geological formations of the Arctic and Norwegian-Greenland basins, shelves of the marginal seas and the adjacent continental onshore areas of the oceans. The Tectonic Map is supplemented with a set of geophysical maps, schematic maps and sections that illustrate the deep structure of the Earths crust and upper mantle of the Circumpolar Arctic.