With an area of about 15 million km 2, the Arctic Ocean is the smallest and the youngest of the Earths oceans. Its main specificity is that most of the ocean floor is occupied by a continental shelf (over 45%) and offshore continental margins. An increasing interest in the Arctic Ocean is primarily accounted for by geopolitical issues and challenges of managing mineral resources on the Arctic shelf, as well as by environment related problems, climate changes, and permafrost degradation. Solving these problems largely relies on our knowledge of the geological structure of the Arctic Ocean basement, including the structural features of the Arctic sedimentary basins with respect to their oil and gas potential. Geological knowledge also provides substantial insights into the correlation between continental margins, including submerged shelves, and different structures largely characterized by terrain features of the Earths crust but lying at a considerable distance from the mainland, which appears vital in solving the problem of establishing the outer limits of Russias and other Arctic states sectors of the continental shelf