Сериальное издание: Russian Geology and Geophysics
Страницы: 780-791
The obtained new data on conodonts, brachiopods, ammonoids, and ostracods from the Stolb Island section indicate the predominantly Early Famennian (triangularis-Lower rhomboidea Zones) age of sedimentation. The Upper Kellwasser global biotic event, which marks the Frasnian/Famennian boundary, has been distinguished for Arctic Siberia for the first time. It was found that carbonate-terrigenous sequences accumulated in basinal sedimentary environments. Fine-clastic material was supplied to the sediments from different sources. A flow of dolomite debris is associated with the most distant source-areas of evaporite sedimentation. The presence of calcareous fragments is due to destruction of skeletal material (close provenance areas). Siliciclastics, which make up a considerable part of the sediments, were produced by partial rewashing and eolian differentiation of felsic pyroclastics. The existence of organic-rich horizons and beds of well-washed and well-sorted clastic sequences suggests that the Upper Devonian sediments have a high general petroleum potential.