In this paper we present new paleomagnetic and paleontological data from the Ordovician and Silurian carbonate rocks of Kotelny Island (the Anjou Archipelago), and from the Ordovician turbidities of Bennett Island (the De Long Archipelago). It is assumed that both archipelagos belong to the NSI (New Siberian Islands) terrane a key tectonic element in the Arctic region. Ages of the studied rocks have been established by paleontological data and lithological correlations. Our new data on conodonts combined with those from previous studies of Ordovician and Silurian fauna indicate a biogeographic similarity between the shelves of the Siberian paleocontinent and the NSI in the Early Paleozoic. Three new paleomagnetic poles for the NSI (48.9 degrees N, 13.8 degrees E, A(95) = 18.1 degrees for 475 Ma; 45.5 degrees N, 31.9 degrees E, A(95) = 11.0 degrees for 465 Ma, and 33.7 degrees N, 55.7 degrees E, A(95) = 11.0 for 435 Ma) fall between the south-eastern part of Central Europe and the Zagros Mountains. The similarity of paleomagnetic directions from Kotelny and Bennet islands confirms that both the Anjou and De Long archipelagos belong to the same terrane.